Are you very talented at designing cars? And do you impress those around you with your skills?

And you may have been thinking about becoming a professional car designer for a long time or you are already on the way there.

The good news is. Your skills is required! There are many design studios out there waiting to benefit from your special expertise. 

And they will transfer you 4000€+ a month for drawing cars.

We will show you how to sort your talent, create a stunning portfolio and get a place at a renowned car design school, landing an internship, or get an entry-level job as an automotive designer. So that you can achieve maximum fulfillment financially and professionally

For design school applicants

To become a car designer it is necessary to get access to a car design school and start studying cardesign or another obvious course like Industrial Design. Only there it is possible to develop the required skills. Also it will help you find fellow students and establish contact with the industry.

We will show you how to create an awesome art portfolio and how you can best prepare for the artistic examination.

For Internship Seekers

An internship at a well-known car manufacturer will make your entry into the job market much easier. To get an internship it is necessary to build a competitive portfolio. Our trainings show you what to look out for when creating your awesome portfolio and how you can generate fresh, innovative ideas with a stretch and forward thinking.

For Entry Level job-hunters

Once you´ve graduated from university, you´ll notice that even though you have a great portfolio, you just couldn´t find a job in one of your desired position. This is due to the fact that the professional environment is very competitive and companies have very high expectations especially for applicants fresh from school. With our coaching and consulting training we will show you how to sort your expert knowlege and set foot in the auto industry so that you can achieve maximum fulfillment financially and professionaly. 


  • basic knowledge of drawing and design.
  • The next 8 weeks you have one hour a day to work on your new challenge.
  • An open mind and willingness to learn.
  • To be able to implement our instructions (both analog and digital drawing tools. Also access to software like Adobe Photoshop)
  • If you have questions not hesitate to contact us.

In detail.

Online self-study can be tough. Our unique didactic concept supports you ideally at all times. 

In our coaching and consulting training you will learn how to build up your previous knowledge with a successful strategy to create a competitive portfolio that is convincing and ensures that you achieve your professional goal.

  • Marco Braun is your mentor for the transformative execution.
  • Interactive live calls on weekdays.
  • Targeted, precise solutions that will bring you to your next breakthrough. 

1:1 instructions

(videos, scripts, templates)

Support from trained experts in transportation design, CAD and visualization.

a prescribed way that you just have to follow.

Hi, I am Marco

I graduated with a B.A. in Transportation Design from the University of Pforzheim. In the past, I have worked on experimental concepts, advanced, competition and production design for the Lexus and Toyota Brand. Since the first days of my professional education, it has been my vision to play a part in developing transportation and mobility designs for the future. I want to share my experience to help you follow the same journey. Over time, I was able to collect some valuable tips that I have learnd from experts all over the world.

worked for

I’m a professional car designer and if you’re interested in doing what I do, then this may be the most important thing you read today.

Now as someone that has worked with companies like Lexus and Toyota, you can take it from me.

Studying car design is the easy part.

The hard part is finding a job as a car designer in a studio or a company.

This industry is very competitive. And it’s really hard to find good jobs in the car design space.

Even if you’re from a great school.

I remember when I graduated school, only 3 of the 12 students that studied there got jobs as exterior designers.

And if you can’t find a job within your first year out of school, you’re as good as done.


Because new talented graduates are always coming into the industry twice a year.

The range of candidates for car design jobs today is very high.

But the industry demand is far lower.

What makes getting a job even more difficult is that the number of interested students keeps going up every year.

And standing out is not so easy.

But I am not here to tell you to give up.

Instead, here’s...

What you can do to get your dream car designing job.

Here’s my number one tip to stand out.

A tip you’re not going to find anywhere else on the internet.

This may even shock you at first, but you have to hear me out.

My number one recommendation to you is this -

Stop drawing cars

99% of the car design stuff you see on Instagram and are just sketches and renderings of cool, futuristic cars.

Now don’t get me wrong. These sketches are really good. The details on some of these are amazing.

But they’re not unique.

Everything is just part of one big mass of unoriginality.

All these sketches are just copies of other sketches, with some minor changes added.

Now I studied car design at Pforzheim. And if you showed one of these “cool” instagram car sketches to my professor…

He would tear it up and throw it out the door.

That’s how useless they are.

This industry needs people with fresh ideas.

Not someone that spends their time drawing the same boring car sketches that everyone else does.

But someone with creativity and big visions for the future.

And one thing I notice in a lot of beginners is that they don’t know the real skills you need to become a professional car designer today.

When they join a great car design school, they are very surprised at how useless the things they know are.

So what are the skills you really need to become a successful car designer?

There are three core skills that you NEED to have in order to succeed.

These skills are a must-have for any car designer and when you know what they are…

You’ll be able to start studying things that are actually important. Much more important than being able to draw cool sports cars that get millions of likes on Instagram.

And if you’re a beginner, you must not pursue car design any further unless you know what these skills are.

I’m telling you, if you can master these skills you’re going to stand out from 99% of your competition.

Because 99% of your competition still won’t know what these three skills are. Their portfolio is going to be full of unoriginal sportscars, while yours is way different from theirs.

This will help you stand out when applying to jobs.

And you’ll be better placed than your competition.

But before I tell you what these skills are…

I first have to ask you -

Is car design even the right career choice for you in the first place?

Now, I love my life.

Designing cars is such a cool thing and I feel so lucky to be able to do what I do.

But I’ve also seen countless people that want to become car designers…

And these guys end up quitting halfway through because they don’t have what it takes.

They think the work is all about just sitting at a desk and drawing cars for 10 minutes and then that’s it for the whole month.

But there are so many other things that a car designer does.

Now I tried googling “life of a car designer” online and almost nothing accurate came up.

It’s unbelievable to me how people outside of the automobile industry know next to nothing about what it is like to design cars today.

They don’t know all the different things that a car designer has to do.

They know so little about work requirements, salary, work-life balance and all those other things.

Because believe me, you don’t want to waste 5-6 years of your life pursuing car design only to realize that you hate this job.

So how can you know if this job is right for you?

Now if you’re reading this, chances are you’re a student that wants to get into car design.

Or maybe you’re an engineer looking for a career change.

But you’re not sure if this is the right field for you…

You’re not sure if your portfolio is any good…

You’re probably not sure how you can find a spot at a top school, and how you can stand out while applying for internships and jobs.

But what if I can guide you?

What if I can show the step-by-step method you can use to enter a top rated car design school?

What if I could show you the curriculum of what is taught at the University of Pforzheim, one of the most prestigious car design schools in the world?

And I won’t just share this curriculum with you, but I’ll also show you

how you can use this knowledge to learn car design by yourself.

I’ll even share all the cool projects I worked on during my time as a student at Pforzheim.

And there’s more.

What if I can share what it is like to work with great car companies like Lexus and Toyota?

And while we’re at it, I’ll even tell you the EXACT method most car designers (including myself) have used to get cool car design jobs.

I’m talking about things like what you should study, what types of internships to look out for and which addresses to use when applying to these internships.

And remember the 3 skills I told you about?

This is where they come into play. Because you’re

going to need these skills to stand out with your portfolio.

And you can learn about all this in my...

Free Introcutory Session

That’s right. Apply for a free talk and I'll show you how I can help you in your car design career.

You’ll learn -

● The lifestyle of a car designer - things like salary, work requirements, work-life balance… This will help you realize if car designing is the right career for you.

● How you can study car design from a great school like Pforzheim, and the curriculum they teach there… I also show you how you can use this curriculum to learn car design by yourself.

● The traditional method all the top car designers used to get the jobs they did today (myself included)... this’ll help you come up with a bulletproof plan when applying to car design jobs.

● You’ll also learn the 3 skills you must have to stand out from 99% of your competition when applying to jobs.

Work Samples |

We can teach you how to become a car designer and create a competitive portfolio so that you can achieve maximum fulfillment financially as well as professionally!

But how? Just remember: 1% Talent, 79% practice, 20% know-how. 

With this Car design school, we show you our expertise and teach you how to create proposals quickly and effectively. You can benefit greatly from the following three aspects of this site:

  • Learn by doing, with step-by-step tutorials and project-based learning courses. We will teach you how to make a complete car design proposal that contains three views in a reasonable time. This ability is essential if you work in the auto industry. It is important there to deliver qualitative results in a short time.
  • Furthermore, you will learn what good design is. When do we find a sketch or proposal beautiful and what are the underlying principles of aesthetics. You will learn about design vanishing points, how to use Golden Ratio grids and why it is important to establish Dominant, subdominant, tonic elements in your sketch. And also how to find the right proportion and balance. If you know about it, it makes it easy to take any sketch (even ugly ones) and make a solid proposal out of it.
  • You will also learn how to quickly generate new ideas never seen before. Fast and efficient. The industry is looking for talented young designers who bring a breath of fresh air to the studios and provide good ideas. Our unique techniques will help you.

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